山推北非市场乐成妨碍Open day暨矿山产物推介会
远日,山推市场山推携手代取代庖署理商正在北非子公司地址天约翰内斯堡乐成妨碍Open day暨矿山产物推介会,北非旨正在重面推介山推矿山产物,乐成减深客户对于山推品牌的妨碍认知。这次行动排汇了矿山中间客户、矿山两级经销商、产物新闻媒体等110余人减进。推介
Recently,山推市场 Shantui and agents successfully held Open day and mining products promotion meeting in Johannesburg, where the South African subsidiary is located, aiming to focus on promoting Shantui mining products and deepen customers' awareness of Shantui brand. The event attracted more than 110 people from the core customers of the mine, secondary dealers and news media.
In the mine product promotion session,推介 the engineers demonstrated the latest mining equipment and shared the application practice in the South African market under various working conditions, especially how to use the mountain push equipment to improve mining efficiency. Customers have shown strong interest in learning more about and testing these products.
In the customer experience sharing session, customers from the South African mining industry shared successful cases of using Shantui equipment, demonstrating Shantui's good reputation and service capabilities in the local market. There was also a short ceremony for the delivery of mining equipment, and customers participated in a lucky draw in a lively atmosphere and frequent interaction.
Subsequently, the participating customers conducted a full series of product observation test drive and personally experienced the efficiency and reliability of the mountain push equipment. This event not only demonstrated the product strength of Shantui, but also strengthened the exchange and cooperation with customers.
As the first Chinese construction machinery brand to deeply cultivate the South African market, Shantui always adheres to the business philosophy of "We aim at customers' satisfaction.", and gives full play to the role of the subsidiary platform, the main engine, accessories, personnel, batch mining products: DH46-C3, SD34-C3, SD32W, SE680LCW, SE500LCW, SE305LCW, L76-C5, SK90A-C6, SK90A-C2, SG21-C6 and accessories have completed pre-storage, and will continue to improve product quality and service level in the future. Cooperate with partners to jointly explore the South African and African markets, and make greater contributions to local infrastructure construction and economic development.
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